Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fright Dome

       Two days ago Stephanie and I had plans to go to Fright Dome to have a night of fun and of course see Kevin and Damien at work. So Kevin talked to his ride and was able to bring us with them so that we did not have to ride the bus all the way there and back. So originally Stephanie and I were going to go in costume but she ended up not wearing her full costume. I had dressed as a rocker last year for work and loved my outfit so I decided I wanted to wear it again this year(above picture). I did not do my makeup and hair as "rocking(hehe)" as I did last year but I felt attractive so I was happy. Apparently I was a little too attractive because while we were at McDonalds, some guy kept staring at my butt while I was outside talking to Kevin. So Kevin moved me where he was against the wall and stood between the creepy guy and I. So then when we went inside, creepy guy ended up there too and was staring at me. Kevin told him to stop being a perv and as Kevin,Damien, and I were walked out, the guy had the idiotic idea to say "I have the right to stare" and as quickly as he said it, I saw Damien and Kevin turn around mid step and walk back up to him and tell him that he infact did NOT have the right to stare and could meet them outside if he felt they were wrong. Haha, I swear to you that he walked out of the building and got into his car as fast as he could without looking like a chicken. Meanwhile, Kevin and Damien are asking him what he is afraid of because he thinks he has rights. It was funny. Kevin said he can't take me anywhere.

      Luckily our ride came shortly after. So the four of us went to Fright Dome and they helped us get our tickets early. Then the two guys had to leave to get into makeup and costume, so Stephanie and I walked around Adventure Dome before it was shut down and turned spooky. So at 7pm, the lines started moving and since we were at the front, we got in within a couple minutes. We started walking towards the roller coaster and through the fog I realized since we were so quick to get in, nobody else was there....except the scary people with chain saws. I swear I saw them all stare dead at us and laugh. They swarmed us with loud noises and got around us. Stephanie and I turned into sissies and clung to each other as we fought through them.

(I really do not feel like recounting every single detail because it is one of those things that is only fun when your the one experiencing it. So I am just going to skip to the interesting parts.)

     After the roller coaster we decided to find our way to the house that Kevin and Damien were in. We waited about thirty minutes and got to the front of the line. I had been told by Kevin to ask for him and the following cracked me up...

Me- "I was told to ask for Momo as a guide."

Attendant- "Momo? He is the best, are you sure you want him?"

Me- " Yes I do."

Attendant- " I will see if he is willing."

I wanted to laugh and say "I am sure he will be willing.." Little did I know....haha....

     The gayest clown I have ever seen walks out the door and up to me and asks if I am Brittany. I say yes and he laughs and says "Come on in Brittany." and Stephanie laughs.We walk in and I walk by a smirking clown that I know is Kevin. He says nothing and maintains eye contact. Gay clown does the whole make two lines and that stuff. I am in the back and he points at me and says "Except for Brittany . Brittany and her friend go in the front." I look at Kevin and he smirks. Of course everyone else in the line is confused as to who the heck I am. "Momo" gets introduced as our guide and he leads us through the door. The ENTIRE house knew who I was. Every clown I encountered said various things like "Heeeeyyy Brittany." "WELCOME Brittany" "Ah Brittany...the first victim." Some of the ones that did not say anything in general looked towards Kevin and he raised his arm and pointed down at my head. The other clowns looked at me and nodded and smiled. We got to Damien's room and he focused on Stephanie, obviously, and while he was doing his whole "I am totally scaring you but really I am just saying hi in code.", I looked at Kevin and he just stared at me. It is going to sound so stupid and really weird since we are broken up, but he entranced me. He did not say a word but the way he was staring into my eyes...I could not look away. It was like we were communicating without saying a word. It was..dare I say...hot. I don't know. I am sure that sounds ridiculous and weird. But it was really cool. Towards the end of the house, he leans close to me and tells me to meet him and Damien at 10:30pm for their break. I swear the people in line were completely intrigued by the clowns interest in me. Haha. So we get to the end of the house and I get led out of the house. It was really special to me that Kevin went through so much to make it a good experience for me. I mean...how cool is it to have an entire Fright Dome house know your name. I felt like the popular kid who everyone is interested in. I really enjoyed that experience.

       Anyway, so we went on a couple other rides and then it was almost time for their break. So we went back to their house and went through it again. I got someone else as a guide and was not impressed. Haha....totally not the same experience.  So we left the house and sat down outside it so that we could see when the guys came out. They came out and took us to another house. It was so cool because they got us to the front of the line and we did not have to wait at all. Again, everyone wanted to know who the girls were with the clowns. So we go into the house and I am getting freaked out. That is when Kevin held my hand and looked at me.

        This was a big deal and remind me something I forgot at the beginning so let me just wrap it together and explain....the other day I wrote the post about having trouble because it felt like I was replaced and forgotten because other girls had shown up. And I felt like I no longer mattered. So the girl I had an issue with was in the truck when we got picked up. I had been really scared because I imagined Kevin completely blowing me off to impress her. He did not. I got in the truck with Stephanie and Damien and Kevin got in on both sides of us and put their arms around us to keep us safe(I will not tell you why they would need to keep us safe...haha). It was a big deal with me that even in front of who I was scared of, he was not any different to me. He still was more worried about my safety and comfort than her. That spoke loudly to me more than he could every know. So fast forward to the house, he held my hand and when he looked at me, I felt the same comfort. I could tell in his eyes that he did not care if we were "together" or not. I was scared and he was there. Therefore he was going to be my safety. Just like in the truck. All my fear subsided when he did that. No matter what was happening, he wanted me to have a great night and knew if I was going to get treated with the perks of "being a girlfriend" he needed to treat me like one.

        I do not want it to sound like I am under some illusion that we are together. But for that night we were. For that night it was two couples having a great time together. For that night nobody was leaving next week. It was just him leading me through a scary house and me clinging to him for protecting. It was fun. So after the house, their break was over so they went back to the house. We only had until midnight so we went through some more houses and rides. At one point we ended up in the dance section and I got into some head bobbing thing with one of the dance clowns. It was really weird. Haha. It was fun though. At 11:50 we went outside and waited for them to come out. Our ride and them came out and we all got in the truck and went home.

       It was a great night and I can't stop talking about it. I hope I wrote it in a way that I left out the boring stuff but still made it sound as exciting as it was. Like I said earlier. Kevin made my night fantastic and I am so thankful to him for it. I had such a long time of being depressed and confused, and I will soon be it again unfortunately. But for one night I was happy. I was happy and he was the Kevin I fell in love with. He was having fun and he was helping me have fun. I will always have this night to look back on. Even when everything has fallen apart, we can still be who we have been. It made me believe in us being able to remain friends. It helped me remind myself that even when my brain makes up thoughts about him forgetting about me and turning into a different person, he is still Kevin. Our relationship may be different but we are still us. He would still defend me. He would still protect me. He would still be the Kevin I know, no matter what. Just like I hope he knows I will always be Brittany. We can still have that love for each other without it having to be a relationship kind of thing. We were talking last night that our breakup has been weird. Nobody can judge how we are acting because nobody is dealing with it like us. We have broken up but still lived together for months. We had a lot of fighting at first but would anybody else be any different in the same situation? We did not cheat and then get in a fight and break up and leave the next day. We broke up because we were at two different places in life and then we proceeded to live in the same house. So we are still in love and he comes home every night. So how do you deal with that? Nobody knows. We may have changed our Facebook status but we have no actually broken up until he leaves. So in a way, it feels like the wound is only scraped. It hurts but it is not actually worth much. But soon the wound is going to be cut open. It will be real and it will suck. Months later it will be real. Anyway, my point is not to make this post sad. It was just something Kevin and I were talking about. Sometimes I forget that I did not break up with myself. There is another part of this relationship that is hurting just like I am. Sometimes I think I let myself believe it is all me and he is immune. But from what he said..he is not immune at all. He is hurting just like I am. I wonder if he had a blog what he would say. Hmmm. There is a thought.

      Anyway, I just really had a great night and I wanted to make sure I documented it. For the nights when I am hurting and need a good memory.

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