Friday, July 25, 2014

34 Week Update

How far along: 34 Weeks

Total weight gain: 32 pounds. (My weight was the same as last appointment)

 Maternity clothes: Just making what I have work.

Stretch marks: They do not even phase me anymore.

Sleep:  Eh...I do my best.

Best moment of this week:  Kevin's grandma bought us a pack and play so now we have a crib in his room and something for him to sleep in when he is new and we want him to stay in our room. The cradle we had gotten at the baby shower is at my mom's house so that he has something to sleep in when he is over with her. She already had a pack and play but it did not have the newborn bassinet so he needs to be bigger before she can use it with him.

Worst moment this week: *sigh* Kevin's grandma had worked so hard to get the pack and play for us so when she said she had ordered it, I wanted to make sure we got it picked up from her before Landon was born so that he could actually use it. So my mom and I decided to drive the 50 miles to her house so that we could get it. Kevin was unable to go due to job stuff. My grandparents had been letting us use their van until November so we headed on down to her house. Everything was fine on the way there. We picked up the pack and play and started driving back. We had made it to the edge of the town when the van started acting weird. Mom had been told by my grandparents if the van started acting this way to put some of that really good gas in it and that should fix it. So my mom stopped and filled up the tank with good gas.

   So we keep driving and as we get out of town the car seems to overheat. We call Kevin's grandma and she brings us some coolant and water.After everything seems to be fine, we start driving away. We get maybe 15 miles out of town when the van completely shuts down, starts jerking around, and eventually dies and won't start. Now let me explain this. The city I live in and the town we were at is 50 miles apart, I said that earlier. Well those 50 miles are pure desert. No service, cactus all around, long straight road of loneliness. Not a place to get stuck with a broken vehicle. So to sum up the rest of the story, from 5pm to midnight my mom and I sat in the van trying to find any way to get back home. Eventually we were able to get a hold of my grandpa who drove two hours to be with the van so the tow service would come( since he is the owner of the insurance) and one of mom's friends gave her and I a ride home. It was an exausting day(and night). The next morning we found out that the van blew a head gasket or something and is not fixable without a whole lot of money that nobody has.

   So now we once again have no vehicle so the three of us are riding the bus. My brothers, who had been spending the week with our grandparents, now have to go back to their dads two weeks early this summer because there is no way for them to have someone home at all times with everyone on the bus. We all thought they would spend their weekend at their dads after being dropped off by my grandparents this Friday, and then spend the final two weeks with us and go back to their dads right before school starts. Now they are going to their dads for his weekend and then staying there until school starts. And the next time mom sees them is her weekend. So mom is really upset that this has happened. We thought about the options we had but there was not many. Mom would not even get home from work before I have to leave. So unfortunately that is the only choice we have. This is all so unexpected and upsetting. And of course my grandparents are pissed. But we were told
 it was just bad timing and a van that is 13 or so years old. Nothing my mom did caused it. But she feels horrible and doesn't want L and N to have to leave but has no idea what else to do.

   We will figure everything out because we don't have a choice. We will figure out how to get L and N every two weeks for their visits. We will figure out how to get to the hospital when Landon decides to show up. We will figure out how to get a new car. We will figure it all out. But right now it is really stressful and scary.

Miss anything: Not really.

Movement:  His movements get stronger and stronger every day. Some are really cute and others...ouch.

Food cravings: Nope.

 Anything making you queasy or sick:   Nothing in particular.

 Have you started to show yet: Yes and everyone likes to make it known to me that I am huge.

Belly button in or out:  It does not look any different now than it did when I was not pregnant.

Wedding rings on or off: Still off.

Happy or moody most of the time: Stressed but it is not really pregnancy related.

Looking forward to: Meeting my baby boy.

Doctors Appointment- My next appointment is the 31st.

Friday, July 18, 2014

33 Week Update

How far along: 33 Weeks

Total weight gain: 32 pounds. (My weight was the same as last appointment)

 Maternity clothes: Just making what I have work.

Stretch marks: They do not even phase me anymore.

Sleep:  Yeah I literally dread needing to roll over. I do not want to wake up Kevin every single time I feel like rolling over so I have to move quietly but it takes so much effort to move it is hard to be quiet.

Best moment of this week:  Kevin and I got new phones so that was sadly exciting. Our old phones had been those kind where you buy the card and have a certain amount of minutes. We were barely using our phones yet never had many minutes when we truly needed them. And with Landon coming, that is not an option. So hopefully these phones work better for us. Unlimited talk,text, and web. Sounds good to me.

Miss anything: Not really.

Movement:  Movement has been really good. Other than the rib pain. The rib pain is not fun.

Food cravings: Nope.

 Anything making you queasy or sick:  This heat is draining me. I already have the blood sugar that drops suddenly. Now with the heat and already being exhausted and having trouble breathing, a walk through the store leaves me feeling like I am about to collapse on the ground. It is a horrible feeling. I hate feeling like a burden but my body just takes a certain amount before it starts getting "upset". Kevin and I love going to Mcdonalds(that is how we use the internet) but since I work until evening, we end up being out late at night. I used to have no problem with it but these last few weeks I told him I can't. I can push it every once in awhile but we used to basically go multiple times a week and I physically can not do that any longer.

      I am at the point where before I would push my body as far as I could just to satisfy my "urges"(cleaning the entire closet, walking a mile to the store and back, putting all of Landon's stuff together at one time) but now I have gotten to the point that I kind of have a "screw it" mindset. Obviously I want the diaper bag put together and the curtain rod put up, but at that moment I want a cold glass of kool aid and to lay down. So that is what I will do.  The rest will happen eventually. I know I only have (at most) 7 weeks left and then my body will be able to do more. So right now I am just trying not to push myself too hard. A curtain truly is not worth something happening to Landon or I. I realize that know. I hate when I do something and then I am worried because something hurts that didn't before and Landon has not moved in awhile. The fear I feel is not something I want to feel so I do not want to push myself.

 Have you started to show yet: Yes. My stomach pulls more and more in the front every day.

Belly button in or out: It does not seem to be changing either way anymore.

Wedding rings on or off: Still off.

Happy or moody most of the time: I am exhausted and in pain. It hurts to move, it hurts to lay down, I am thirsty, I constantly feel full yet am hungry, heartburn makes me feel like I am going to vomit fire, I am constantly sweating and can never cool off. BUT....I know my body is working hard these next few weeks finishing growing Landon so I will deal with being a bit miserable if it means he is completely healthy and happy.

Looking forward to: Meeting my baby boy.

Doctors Appointment- My next appointment is the 31st. I was really bummed to find out that it is the last appointment with the doctor I have had since my first appointment. Her mom is not doing well so she needs to go back to India. So after the 31st I will be seeing her partners.  It really sucks because I was hoping to have her deliver Landon after being with me all these months. And of course it is scary to think these strange doctors will suddenly be taking care of me in the weeks that matter.  But there is no choice because she can not help her mother being sick and I can not help when I am due

Friday, July 11, 2014

32 Week Update

How far along: 32 Weeks

Total weight gain: 32 pounds.

 Maternity clothes: Just making what I have work.

Stretch marks: I guess they are horrible on my lower stomach, good thing I can't see my lower stomach anymore.

Sleep:  I have the WORST time turning over at night. I feel gigantic as I try to turn over and laying on my back is not possible. I get this horrible pain in my pelvis and it makes me not be able to breathe. Then after I have struggled all night to sleep, in the morning I wake up with my hip in tremendous pain and nothing I do gets rid of it.

Best moment of this week:  Nothing really happened this week. I guess the biggest thing is I dropped off the paperwork to my doctor for my maternity leave. So once I fill out my paperwork with my boss, and as long as nothing gets messed up, my first day of leave is August 25th. I have a feeling I won't make it to that day but I also didn't want to be on leave and still be pregnant for a couple more weeks.

Miss anything: Not really.

Movement: Oh yeah. I think he is sideways but I can't be sure. My stomach just doesn't seem to be hard on the top or the bottom, just on both sides of my stomach. He is getting more and more responsive to Kevin each day. Now Kevin can put his face against my skin and Landon will rub against his face. It is really cute to watch.

Food cravings: I haven't craved anything this week either.

 Anything making you queasy or sick: Um...nothing that I can think of.

 Have you started to show yet: Yes. My stomach pulls more and more in the front every day.

Belly button in or out: It does not seem to be changing either way anymore.

Wedding rings on or off: Still off.

Happy or moody most of the time: I have been pretty happy. My body is uncomfortable but I know it will be completely worth it in the end.

Looking forward to: Meeting my baby boy.

Doctors Appointment- My next appointment is the 14th.

Friday, July 4, 2014

31 Week Update

How far along: 31 Weeks

Total weight gain: 32 pounds.

 Maternity clothes: I need to buy some nursing bras. I have one but it ended up being really tight for the size it supposedly was.

Stretch marks: I guess they are horrible on my lower stomach, good thing I can't see my lower stomach anymore.

Sleep:  I got a body pillow at Babies R Us but I am really tall so it is really just a long pillow for my head. But I LOVE IT! It is like a cloud of happiness for my head. Yeah it is THAT good.

Best moment of this week:  My baby shower was really great. We got some really sweet gifts from our family. My Mimi and J's mom both gave us handmade baby blankets(Mimi actually gave us two since she was so sure it was a girl and started making a yellow blanket. When it was found out Landon was a boy she made a blue one for us.) We also got a tummy time toy, some really pretty figurines, a special toy from his Grammy(my mom), some Costco boxes of diapers and wipes, a bottle brush, a couple rattles, some receiving blankets, his first pair of shoes, and lots and lots of clothes. Kevin's grandma gave us a cradle that will most likely end up being what we put him in for the first couple of weeks by our bed. At first I was not to sure about it but once I saw it, it was really pretty and I asked Kevin to put it together immediately. It was a really great day and I was thankful for everything we got and everyone that came.

Miss anything: Not really.

Movement: This kid is getting strong. Kevin is having the best time watching when my stomach starts rolling around. Landon has yet to let anyone but the two of us feel him move. At this rate, the first time anyone sees him move will be when he is already out. Haha.

Food cravings: I haven't craved anything this week either.

 Anything making you queasy or sick: My cold is gone for the most part. Now it is just normal stuffy nose I have had for months so I am happy about that.

 Have you started to show yet: Yes. I am so big that at times I will literally fall sideways and stumble. People look at me like I am drunk.

Belly button in or out: It does not seem to be changing either way anymore.

Wedding rings on or off: Still off.

Happy or moody most of the time: I have been pretty happy this week. A bit overwhelmed with my maternity leave stuff at work but other than that, I am doing well.

Looking forward to: I am at two week appointments now. Pretty crazy!

Doctors Appointment- So my doctors appointment June 30th had a bit of a scary moment. When they took my blood pressure it was 180\100. So the nurse went to get the doctor because they thought I might be developing some pre-eclampsia. The doctor came in and did her regular measuring me(measuring a week ahead) and told me I was going to get my second shot of Rhogam, but before that they would measure my blood pressure again and go from there. So the nurse comes back in and checks it and it is perfectly fine so..who knows. They think it might have just been a faulty check or something. freaked me out for a bit. I did not like the feeling I had when I thought I might get put on bedrest or him be put in the NICU. But like always, Landon is doing great. Healthy heartbeat and good size.

I am getting to that point where I realize that I only have( at most) 9 or so weeks left pregnant with him. I am sooooo excited to see his smooshy little face and finally meet him but at the same time it is occuring to me that in 9 or so weeks.....he will not be with me 24\7 anymore and my pregnancy will be over. That is a bittersweet thing to feel. I want the bad parts to be over but I want to keep the good parts because they are so special to experience.
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