Friday, January 31, 2014

9 Week Update


How far along: 9 weeks(size of a green olive)

Total weight gain: I will know at my next appointment on February 10th.

Maternity clothes: My pants. My shirts are fine since I wear loose shirts usually anyway.

Stretch marks: I doubt any new ones yet.

Sleep: Sleep wise, same as the past weeks. Dream wise, I seem to dream many dreams a night. Maybe it is because I am waking up more so I start a new dream when I fall back asleep. But I have so many, I can't remember them all the next morning. A couple nights ago I dreamt I heard a knock on our bedroom door and I woke up scared I had actually heard it. Max was sleeping, Kevin was sleeping, so I told myself there was not actually anyone on the other side of our door. But still, I had trouble falling back asleep because my heart was racing. We sleep with our front door locked with a chain on it, and our bedroom door locked. So if someone is knocking on our bedroom door it means they got through the chain. It was freaky. Last night I dreamt I was feeding our baby. I was just sitting there rocking and staring at the baby. I could not tell what gender it was but I felt so in love in the dream. It was the best dream I had last night.

Best moment of this week: Kevin and I were bored a couple days ago so I asked him if he would mind walking around Babies R Us. He said that would be fine so we drove up the street to the store. I had never been in this one before I was excited. Kevin was so cute. He kept looking at all the stuff and saying stuff like, "They make stuff for that? Cool!" and "Wow we so need to get that.". I went to the bathroom and was in there for longer than expected and when I came out, he wanted to show me some breathable bumpers he found and curtains that would keep the temperature in the nursery nice and make it dark when we needed. He really was worried about breathable bumpers and it made me smile. He found a blanket that had his favorite team so I will definitely have to buy that as a suprise for him. I know it would make him happy. He really is excited and it makes me feel good. It is moments like that, that I look at him comparing curtain colors and I thank God that I am having a child with my best friend. In a matter of a few months my life has gotten back to where I dreamed it would be. I am truly thankful for that.

Miss anything: I would kill for a tuna and egg sandwich.

Food cravings: Nothing that jumps out in my mind.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I am feeling SO MUCH better this week. Last week I was miserable and then it eventually faded away once week 9 started. I don't know if it was just an off week or what but I am glad to be better this week.

Gender: Everyone still has their money on a girl. Kevin apparently had known that the heartbeat had been 171 at the ultrasound and "wasn't aware" I really wanted to know. Haha. So  apparently that heart rate is a girl in an old wives tale. I laugh at the fact that everything says it is a girl. But until I know for sure, I am betting a boy. It's father thinks he is funny, so I expect his children to have a sense of humor also.

 Wedding rings on or off: Still off. I am just leaving it off. Let everyone know I am an unwed mother. Haha.  

Happy or moody most of the time: Now that I am not sick, I would like to say I am not completely miserable to be around. As long as I am not hungry. If I am hungry then all bets are off.
Looking forward to: The next time I see baby cub. I can't wait to see how much he\she has grown.

Friday, January 24, 2014

8 Week Update

How far along: 8 weeks( about the size of a kidney bean)

Maternity clothes: Still just my pants.

Stretch marks: I already have some stretch marks from when I was younger and lost a bunch of weight so I am not even sure if I would notice new ones if they popped up.

Sleep: Same as last week. Can't complain.

Best moment of this week: The ultrasound definitely. We loved seeing our baby cub for the first time.

Miss anything: Being able to eat whatever I want.

Food cravings: Nothing whatsoever.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Saturday I was at my mothers boyfriend's(Let's call him J) house with Kevin and I went upstairs to lay down a little longer. I was only laying there for a few minutes before I felt like I was either going to pass out or vomit. I figured I needed to eat so I got up and went to eat a bowl of cereal. I had to leave for work in a few minutes but I kept telling Kevin I felt like I was about to vomit. All of a sudden I walked casually to the bathroom and proceeded to vomit all over the place. I came out and my mother said if I was going to call out then I needed to do it soon so I did not get in trouble. I am not the type to call in. I rarely had sick days at school. My last job I missed work twice to do a traumatic event. This job I have not called out ever. So for me to make the call and tell them I was not coming in, my family knew I was sick. I jinxed myself by saying that now that I had called in, I would be fine. Nope...L and N were spending the weekend with us so we decided to take them to a local park. "I'll just relax and sit and watch." I said. Ha!. J was driving up the road and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to puke again. Imagine me in a crowded truck flying down the road and I have to puke. I was freaking out. Luckily Kevin found a bag just in time to hand it to me. Poor mom was sitting right in front of me and I am bent over right in her ear puking. She started gagging. L and N are completely confused since I do not puke, they thought I was dying or something. Kevin said it was the baby making me puke so for the rest of the day they kept saying "It is the baby" everytime. Anyway, for the rest of the day my life consisted of trying to get food down before I puked because either way I was going to puke. But puking without food was worse than anything and I felt like I was suffocating. I puked every hour and literally knew if I stood up I would vomit. Then when I finally got into bed my heart started beating really fast and my stomach started hurting, I almost went to the ER. But eventually I was able to fall asleep. Ever since then I have felt sick every day. It is like that day set off my morning sickness. I do not feel as bad as I did. But I am in the constant struggle of nothing sounding good to eat and me feeling sick because I have not eaten anything. I tried to force myself to eat and then I feel like I will puke it up. My favorite foods I am only able to eat a few bites. I know it will not last forever but I just feel so guilty starving myself.

Wedding rings on or off: My ring is actually off because my hand was so swollen that it cut into my finger. So I get the hint, I took it off and it is on my chain. But I hate not wearing it. I feel like a teenage mother or something.   
Happy or moody most of the time:  I have been so sick that I have not been either. I just want to sleep as much as I can and hope to eat when I am awake.
Looking forward to: Feeling better. I hate complaining and I do not want to do it this whole time.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I Have Someone For You All To Meet

 photo LHFbaby_zpsbb3acd34.jpg

This is the best picture I have ever seen in my life. Baby is measuring right where it should be. Heartbeat is strong and loud. Baby was just relaxing but gave me a little wave that made me exclaim, "Awww". Kevin was super curious and kept asking my mom if the baby was on the screen yet. He did not know what the heck he was looking at. I was super sick sine Saturday so I had some trouble getting hydrated for the ultrasound. So when the lady was taking awhile to show where the baby was, I got a little nervous. But then all of a sudden, there it was and it was the best sight ever. Our little baby.

Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Week Update

How far along: 7 weeks(Size of a blueberry)

Total weight gain: Alright I finally found my weight out. *gulp* 184. That number was up a lot since I last looked at a scale. But whatever. It is what it is and I am not going to starve myself just because I do not want to end up over 200. I am almost 6 feet tall so Kevin says I do not look anywhere as big as I think I do.

Maternity clothes: Still just my pair of pants. I alternate between those and my regular jeans. But I have to put the stretchy part down because it presses on my stomach and it makes me sick.

Sleep: Like last week, I sleep until I need to pee.

Best moment of this week: This will possibly sound weird but it was actually when I was laying in Urgent care. I was so scared and tears were running down my face. And Kevin gave me his hand to hold. So the lady is trying to take my blood and he is right there telling me to look into his eyes. And my hand is squeezing his hand while my heart rate monitor beeps. And he got me through it. I am confident that he will have no issue during delivery. I can tell he will be right by my side and we will get through it.

Miss anything: I miss my doritos. Haha.

Food cravings: Anything Kevin is eating. Seriously, I begged for certain things on my Subway sandwich and Kevin ended up getting himself Panda Express, so when I smelt it I stared at it the entire time he ate it like a Hyena. It looked good. He was nice enough to give me some bites.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I had one night where I was the sickest I have been so far. I literally could not sit without feeling like I was going to puke and I could not lay down without feeling like I was going to puke. I try not to complain too much but it was bad and I felt so sorry for anyone who deals with that bad of morning sickness all day and night. I was miserable for that one night. Ugh...

Gender: Everybody is still betting on a girl.

Wedding rings on or off: My engagement ring is getting tight. It was tight before but now since I apparently have gained weight, it has gotten tighter. I think I am going to have to get it resized because it makes my finger look red and agitated.

Happy or moody most of the time:  I am making my mother laugh. We always talked about when she was pregnant she would get in fights with people for cutting her in line at the store. Or making a comment she did not like. Anything....Well now I understand her wrath. I don't know if I am crazier or have bigger balls(ha). There was a situation on Facebook yesterday where someone thought they would insult me. Well before I would just walk away. Now..I told her off. And I told her off well. And I did not care. MESS..WITH..ME!So yeah, take pity on whoever crosses my path. 

Looking forward to:  Tuesday(the 21st) I get an ultrasound. I am sooooooo excited. I can not wait to see our baby. This child is so loved and I can not wait to see it on the screen.

Additional- I actually found out that I am RH- so yesterday I went in and got the Rhogam shot. I had some bleeding previously so I am really hoping that was the cause and I will have no bleeding from now on. I got it in my butt and it was not actually that bad. Stung a bit but nothing I couldn't handle.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sweet Words From Daddy

I was on my lunch at work talking to Kevin about how I am able to eat chocolate now. When I was not pregnant, I could not so much as eat a chocolate bar without getting an upset stomach. So it was easier to not eat chocolate than deal with the aftermath. But one day recently, I just HAD to have a Hershey's with Almonds bar and then the next day I HAD to have two. So I was talking to Kevin about how it sucks I can't have spicy chips but it is cool that I can now have chocolate. I could sense him smile and he said, "That is because my daughter loves chocolate."
Awwww.....I still joke that this will end up being a boy and proving everyone wrong. But if it isn't...good job Daddy.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Scary Day

    Alright so Kevin and I went to my appointment and I met my OB. It was just asking questions but I told her about my bleeding that I had been having so she said she would check just to make sure. So good news is that she said everything was looking good there. Nothing was open or bleeding at that moment. So that is the good part.

    Now the interesting part, after my appointment I had to go downstairs to get the blood taken. So I am telling Kevin I am afraid of passing out and he says it will be fine. So my name gets called and I go in the back. She says, "It is a good thing you are not getting a lot of blood taken." Then she looks at her paper and goes, "Oh...nevermind." And tries to find a vein but is having trouble.  So she finally got one and pulled the tourniquet hard so it would pop out. Then when she stuck me I instantly started feeling sick. Then all of a sudden I hear my name and feel a cold rag and open my eyes and there are a bunch of people in the room now asking me all these questions and how far a long I am and Kevin is in the corner looking terrified. (He later told me when he was in the waiting room he could hear people yelling my name so he told them to let him in.) So they get a wheelchair and take me to Urgent Care and tell Kevin to stay in the waiting room and check me in. So they take me back and my sugar was fine but my blood pressure was really low. So after they made sure me and the baby was fine, Kevin came in and I burst into tears because now I was going to have to go through them taking my blood again and what if I pass out. So the nurse asked another lady to take my blood while I was laying down. And while she was doing that, Kevin held my hand and kept telling me to focus on him and not the pain. So I got through it and they got what blood they needed and helped me sit up to make sure my blood pressure stayed fine, then I could go home. They told me next time to just try giving blood while I am laying down, to see if maybe that is the key. That way if I do pass out I am already laying down. I told Kevin the baby put up a fight because they did not want to share my blood.

  It was scary but I am doing better now. All I cared about was that I did what I had to do to get the blood they needed and baby was fine. After that was all done, the rest did not matter. But I hated feeling so sick and out of control. We came home and I laid on the couch for the rest of the night and I feel better this morning.

Friday, January 10, 2014

6 Week Update

 I am going to cut out some of the "obviously not happening to me yet" questions and I will put them back in when they are needed.

How far along: 6 weeks (size of a lentil\sweet pea(I had no idea what a lentil was))

Maternity clothes: is the thing. Technically I am wearing maternity pants right now. But not because I need to. I needed another pair of pants and I did not want to get a pair that wouldn't last as long as my other pants. So I was at the store and found these maternity pants for $6 and got them. So no..I do not need them. But yes...I am wearing them.

Sleep: Sleep is actually pretty good. I think my waking up in the middle of the night was due to nerves. So now that everyone knows, I sleep fine. The only time I am awake is to go to the bathroom.

Best moment of this week: We decided on a name for both genders. Another funny part is L telling me I should not give him the apple for snack because I was supposed to eat it for the baby. Nobody told me that.

Miss anything:  Being able to lift stuff! I am mostly kidding. I understand Kevin is just worried about something happening to baby cub or I. But I literally feel like he is always watching. N asked me to pick him up and I wasn't thinking so I went to lift him and Kevin's reaction was similar to when a baby is about to touch a hot stove. Haha.

Food cravings: Yesterday I had the thought at work about Hershey's with almonds. And for my entire shift it was all I could think about. So I got it and it was HEAVENLY! So I got two today! Yay me! My mom was addicted to Jack in the Box tacos when she was pregnant with my brothers so we got them the other day and Kevin wanted to know if I was going to love them too. Nope...I mean they were alright but I definitly was not going to crave them. I just did not care either way about that. Mom jokes that means it is a girl.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Today I have had some bad nausea.Like, stuck on the couch because standing up makes me feel like I will hurl. Oh and apparently baby cub hates chicken nuggets from McDonald's. I used to love them but now I have had them twice and gotten sick both times. Oh well.

Gender: Everybody is seriously assuming it is a girl. Like..nobody thinks it is a boy at all.

Happy or moody most of the time: I would not say I am as moody as I have been the past few weeks. Being able to sleep has helped a lot. I still have my snippy moments, especially in the evenings. But overall I think I am doing well.
Looking forward to: Monday the 13th I am going in to get bloodwork done to confirm the pregnancy. I seriously wish it was an ultrasound but I know the longer I end up waiting, the more I will see on the ultrasound. I am not looking forward to bloodwork though. I hate needles and I am always afraid I will pass out. But I suppose I need to get used to being a pin cushion. Haha.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

That "Something"

So a couple posts ago I said I was in the middle of "something" and that I would let you know later. Well then I announced I was pregnant and I realize many people may think that was the "something" I was talking about. It wasn't. I did not know I was pregnant when I wrote that post. I wanted to make a post with pictures to announce it but I have no internet so I have been having to throw together posts at work(I have to type it in email and copy it into a blog post so I can not edit anything or add anything). Since my internet situation is so sucky, I have to just announce it now and make my pretty post later.

We moved!!!! Yay!!! We moved the Friday after Christmas into an apartment. It is much smaller that the house we were in before but I still love it. It is meant to be a way for Kevin and I to transition away from my mother paying for all our stuff. A way to let us be more independant(little did I know we were really going to need to be independant). Kevin is working his butt of to work out his job situation so once he gets that going, then he and I should be perfectly fine doing what we gotta do. The other house had so many bad memories, it feels good to get a fresh start to make good memories in. Like I said, when I get my internet worked out I will make a post with pictures and such. So I promise I will not be this distant for long(I hope).

Friday, January 3, 2014

5 Week Update

How far along: 5 weeks (Size of a sesame seed)

Total weight gain: Still do not know starting weight

Maternity clothes: Not yet but bloating is making my pants extremely tight so I have been trying to be in sweat pants as much as I can.

Stretch marks: Nope

Sleep: Sleep has gotten better. I still have some rough nights and every night I wake up multiple times, but the sleep itself is fine so I can't complain.

Best moment of this week: Looking into the future of our new little family with Kevin.

Miss anything: Um...I can't really say I miss anything.

Movement: Nope.

Food cravings: Cheese. Grated cheese. Anything with cheese. I had two big bowls of queso dip New Years Eve. I made Mac and Cheese and put grated cheese on it. I drool at commercials on tv that show any time of cheese on it. Yeah...I love cheese.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Some days nothing sounds good to eat but nothing really is making me sick.

Have you started to show yet: Not yet.

Gender: N said that he wanted a girl, so we asked him why and he said because we have too many boys in the family. We need a girl. My mother swears it is a girl by looking at me. I think Kevin wants a little girl too, a little girl to protect fiercely. But I know that even if it is a boy, it will be loved tremendously.

Labor signs: Nope

Belly button in or out: In...waaayyyy in.

Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I get really cranky if I go too long without eating. But everyone that knows me is used to it anyway so I would hope I am not too bad.
Looking forward to:  Hearing the heartbeat. I am still so scared of something going wrong. I was telling Kevin that I just want to hear the heartbeat and know baby cub is where he\she is supposed to be and growing and it will help me a lot.
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