Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Week Update

How far along: 7 weeks(Size of a blueberry)

Total weight gain: Alright I finally found my weight out. *gulp* 184. That number was up a lot since I last looked at a scale. But whatever. It is what it is and I am not going to starve myself just because I do not want to end up over 200. I am almost 6 feet tall so Kevin says I do not look anywhere as big as I think I do.

Maternity clothes: Still just my pair of pants. I alternate between those and my regular jeans. But I have to put the stretchy part down because it presses on my stomach and it makes me sick.

Sleep: Like last week, I sleep until I need to pee.

Best moment of this week: This will possibly sound weird but it was actually when I was laying in Urgent care. I was so scared and tears were running down my face. And Kevin gave me his hand to hold. So the lady is trying to take my blood and he is right there telling me to look into his eyes. And my hand is squeezing his hand while my heart rate monitor beeps. And he got me through it. I am confident that he will have no issue during delivery. I can tell he will be right by my side and we will get through it.

Miss anything: I miss my doritos. Haha.

Food cravings: Anything Kevin is eating. Seriously, I begged for certain things on my Subway sandwich and Kevin ended up getting himself Panda Express, so when I smelt it I stared at it the entire time he ate it like a Hyena. It looked good. He was nice enough to give me some bites.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I had one night where I was the sickest I have been so far. I literally could not sit without feeling like I was going to puke and I could not lay down without feeling like I was going to puke. I try not to complain too much but it was bad and I felt so sorry for anyone who deals with that bad of morning sickness all day and night. I was miserable for that one night. Ugh...

Gender: Everybody is still betting on a girl.

Wedding rings on or off: My engagement ring is getting tight. It was tight before but now since I apparently have gained weight, it has gotten tighter. I think I am going to have to get it resized because it makes my finger look red and agitated.

Happy or moody most of the time:  I am making my mother laugh. We always talked about when she was pregnant she would get in fights with people for cutting her in line at the store. Or making a comment she did not like. Anything....Well now I understand her wrath. I don't know if I am crazier or have bigger balls(ha). There was a situation on Facebook yesterday where someone thought they would insult me. Well before I would just walk away. Now..I told her off. And I told her off well. And I did not care. MESS..WITH..ME!So yeah, take pity on whoever crosses my path. 

Looking forward to:  Tuesday(the 21st) I get an ultrasound. I am sooooooo excited. I can not wait to see our baby. This child is so loved and I can not wait to see it on the screen.

Additional- I actually found out that I am RH- so yesterday I went in and got the Rhogam shot. I had some bleeding previously so I am really hoping that was the cause and I will have no bleeding from now on. I got it in my butt and it was not actually that bad. Stung a bit but nothing I couldn't handle.

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