Friday, January 3, 2014

5 Week Update

How far along: 5 weeks (Size of a sesame seed)

Total weight gain: Still do not know starting weight

Maternity clothes: Not yet but bloating is making my pants extremely tight so I have been trying to be in sweat pants as much as I can.

Stretch marks: Nope

Sleep: Sleep has gotten better. I still have some rough nights and every night I wake up multiple times, but the sleep itself is fine so I can't complain.

Best moment of this week: Looking into the future of our new little family with Kevin.

Miss anything: Um...I can't really say I miss anything.

Movement: Nope.

Food cravings: Cheese. Grated cheese. Anything with cheese. I had two big bowls of queso dip New Years Eve. I made Mac and Cheese and put grated cheese on it. I drool at commercials on tv that show any time of cheese on it. Yeah...I love cheese.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Some days nothing sounds good to eat but nothing really is making me sick.

Have you started to show yet: Not yet.

Gender: N said that he wanted a girl, so we asked him why and he said because we have too many boys in the family. We need a girl. My mother swears it is a girl by looking at me. I think Kevin wants a little girl too, a little girl to protect fiercely. But I know that even if it is a boy, it will be loved tremendously.

Labor signs: Nope

Belly button in or out: In...waaayyyy in.

Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I get really cranky if I go too long without eating. But everyone that knows me is used to it anyway so I would hope I am not too bad.
Looking forward to:  Hearing the heartbeat. I am still so scared of something going wrong. I was telling Kevin that I just want to hear the heartbeat and know baby cub is where he\she is supposed to be and growing and it will help me a lot.


  1. Congratulations! This is such a great news to welcome the New Year! I'm so happy for you and Kevin! :) -Fe

  2. Thank you! Happy New Year to you. :)


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