Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Scary Day

    Alright so Kevin and I went to my appointment and I met my OB. It was just asking questions but I told her about my bleeding that I had been having so she said she would check just to make sure. So good news is that she said everything was looking good there. Nothing was open or bleeding at that moment. So that is the good part.

    Now the interesting part, after my appointment I had to go downstairs to get the blood taken. So I am telling Kevin I am afraid of passing out and he says it will be fine. So my name gets called and I go in the back. She says, "It is a good thing you are not getting a lot of blood taken." Then she looks at her paper and goes, "Oh...nevermind." And tries to find a vein but is having trouble.  So she finally got one and pulled the tourniquet hard so it would pop out. Then when she stuck me I instantly started feeling sick. Then all of a sudden I hear my name and feel a cold rag and open my eyes and there are a bunch of people in the room now asking me all these questions and how far a long I am and Kevin is in the corner looking terrified. (He later told me when he was in the waiting room he could hear people yelling my name so he told them to let him in.) So they get a wheelchair and take me to Urgent Care and tell Kevin to stay in the waiting room and check me in. So they take me back and my sugar was fine but my blood pressure was really low. So after they made sure me and the baby was fine, Kevin came in and I burst into tears because now I was going to have to go through them taking my blood again and what if I pass out. So the nurse asked another lady to take my blood while I was laying down. And while she was doing that, Kevin held my hand and kept telling me to focus on him and not the pain. So I got through it and they got what blood they needed and helped me sit up to make sure my blood pressure stayed fine, then I could go home. They told me next time to just try giving blood while I am laying down, to see if maybe that is the key. That way if I do pass out I am already laying down. I told Kevin the baby put up a fight because they did not want to share my blood.

  It was scary but I am doing better now. All I cared about was that I did what I had to do to get the blood they needed and baby was fine. After that was all done, the rest did not matter. But I hated feeling so sick and out of control. We came home and I laid on the couch for the rest of the night and I feel better this morning.

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