Friday, January 24, 2014

8 Week Update

How far along: 8 weeks( about the size of a kidney bean)

Maternity clothes: Still just my pants.

Stretch marks: I already have some stretch marks from when I was younger and lost a bunch of weight so I am not even sure if I would notice new ones if they popped up.

Sleep: Same as last week. Can't complain.

Best moment of this week: The ultrasound definitely. We loved seeing our baby cub for the first time.

Miss anything: Being able to eat whatever I want.

Food cravings: Nothing whatsoever.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Saturday I was at my mothers boyfriend's(Let's call him J) house with Kevin and I went upstairs to lay down a little longer. I was only laying there for a few minutes before I felt like I was either going to pass out or vomit. I figured I needed to eat so I got up and went to eat a bowl of cereal. I had to leave for work in a few minutes but I kept telling Kevin I felt like I was about to vomit. All of a sudden I walked casually to the bathroom and proceeded to vomit all over the place. I came out and my mother said if I was going to call out then I needed to do it soon so I did not get in trouble. I am not the type to call in. I rarely had sick days at school. My last job I missed work twice to do a traumatic event. This job I have not called out ever. So for me to make the call and tell them I was not coming in, my family knew I was sick. I jinxed myself by saying that now that I had called in, I would be fine. Nope...L and N were spending the weekend with us so we decided to take them to a local park. "I'll just relax and sit and watch." I said. Ha!. J was driving up the road and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to puke again. Imagine me in a crowded truck flying down the road and I have to puke. I was freaking out. Luckily Kevin found a bag just in time to hand it to me. Poor mom was sitting right in front of me and I am bent over right in her ear puking. She started gagging. L and N are completely confused since I do not puke, they thought I was dying or something. Kevin said it was the baby making me puke so for the rest of the day they kept saying "It is the baby" everytime. Anyway, for the rest of the day my life consisted of trying to get food down before I puked because either way I was going to puke. But puking without food was worse than anything and I felt like I was suffocating. I puked every hour and literally knew if I stood up I would vomit. Then when I finally got into bed my heart started beating really fast and my stomach started hurting, I almost went to the ER. But eventually I was able to fall asleep. Ever since then I have felt sick every day. It is like that day set off my morning sickness. I do not feel as bad as I did. But I am in the constant struggle of nothing sounding good to eat and me feeling sick because I have not eaten anything. I tried to force myself to eat and then I feel like I will puke it up. My favorite foods I am only able to eat a few bites. I know it will not last forever but I just feel so guilty starving myself.

Wedding rings on or off: My ring is actually off because my hand was so swollen that it cut into my finger. So I get the hint, I took it off and it is on my chain. But I hate not wearing it. I feel like a teenage mother or something.   
Happy or moody most of the time:  I have been so sick that I have not been either. I just want to sleep as much as I can and hope to eat when I am awake.
Looking forward to: Feeling better. I hate complaining and I do not want to do it this whole time.  

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