Friday, July 25, 2014

34 Week Update

How far along: 34 Weeks

Total weight gain: 32 pounds. (My weight was the same as last appointment)

 Maternity clothes: Just making what I have work.

Stretch marks: They do not even phase me anymore.

Sleep:  Eh...I do my best.

Best moment of this week:  Kevin's grandma bought us a pack and play so now we have a crib in his room and something for him to sleep in when he is new and we want him to stay in our room. The cradle we had gotten at the baby shower is at my mom's house so that he has something to sleep in when he is over with her. She already had a pack and play but it did not have the newborn bassinet so he needs to be bigger before she can use it with him.

Worst moment this week: *sigh* Kevin's grandma had worked so hard to get the pack and play for us so when she said she had ordered it, I wanted to make sure we got it picked up from her before Landon was born so that he could actually use it. So my mom and I decided to drive the 50 miles to her house so that we could get it. Kevin was unable to go due to job stuff. My grandparents had been letting us use their van until November so we headed on down to her house. Everything was fine on the way there. We picked up the pack and play and started driving back. We had made it to the edge of the town when the van started acting weird. Mom had been told by my grandparents if the van started acting this way to put some of that really good gas in it and that should fix it. So my mom stopped and filled up the tank with good gas.

   So we keep driving and as we get out of town the car seems to overheat. We call Kevin's grandma and she brings us some coolant and water.After everything seems to be fine, we start driving away. We get maybe 15 miles out of town when the van completely shuts down, starts jerking around, and eventually dies and won't start. Now let me explain this. The city I live in and the town we were at is 50 miles apart, I said that earlier. Well those 50 miles are pure desert. No service, cactus all around, long straight road of loneliness. Not a place to get stuck with a broken vehicle. So to sum up the rest of the story, from 5pm to midnight my mom and I sat in the van trying to find any way to get back home. Eventually we were able to get a hold of my grandpa who drove two hours to be with the van so the tow service would come( since he is the owner of the insurance) and one of mom's friends gave her and I a ride home. It was an exausting day(and night). The next morning we found out that the van blew a head gasket or something and is not fixable without a whole lot of money that nobody has.

   So now we once again have no vehicle so the three of us are riding the bus. My brothers, who had been spending the week with our grandparents, now have to go back to their dads two weeks early this summer because there is no way for them to have someone home at all times with everyone on the bus. We all thought they would spend their weekend at their dads after being dropped off by my grandparents this Friday, and then spend the final two weeks with us and go back to their dads right before school starts. Now they are going to their dads for his weekend and then staying there until school starts. And the next time mom sees them is her weekend. So mom is really upset that this has happened. We thought about the options we had but there was not many. Mom would not even get home from work before I have to leave. So unfortunately that is the only choice we have. This is all so unexpected and upsetting. And of course my grandparents are pissed. But we were told
 it was just bad timing and a van that is 13 or so years old. Nothing my mom did caused it. But she feels horrible and doesn't want L and N to have to leave but has no idea what else to do.

   We will figure everything out because we don't have a choice. We will figure out how to get L and N every two weeks for their visits. We will figure out how to get to the hospital when Landon decides to show up. We will figure out how to get a new car. We will figure it all out. But right now it is really stressful and scary.

Miss anything: Not really.

Movement:  His movements get stronger and stronger every day. Some are really cute and others...ouch.

Food cravings: Nope.

 Anything making you queasy or sick:   Nothing in particular.

 Have you started to show yet: Yes and everyone likes to make it known to me that I am huge.

Belly button in or out:  It does not look any different now than it did when I was not pregnant.

Wedding rings on or off: Still off.

Happy or moody most of the time: Stressed but it is not really pregnancy related.

Looking forward to: Meeting my baby boy.

Doctors Appointment- My next appointment is the 31st.

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