Friday, July 4, 2014

31 Week Update

How far along: 31 Weeks

Total weight gain: 32 pounds.

 Maternity clothes: I need to buy some nursing bras. I have one but it ended up being really tight for the size it supposedly was.

Stretch marks: I guess they are horrible on my lower stomach, good thing I can't see my lower stomach anymore.

Sleep:  I got a body pillow at Babies R Us but I am really tall so it is really just a long pillow for my head. But I LOVE IT! It is like a cloud of happiness for my head. Yeah it is THAT good.

Best moment of this week:  My baby shower was really great. We got some really sweet gifts from our family. My Mimi and J's mom both gave us handmade baby blankets(Mimi actually gave us two since she was so sure it was a girl and started making a yellow blanket. When it was found out Landon was a boy she made a blue one for us.) We also got a tummy time toy, some really pretty figurines, a special toy from his Grammy(my mom), some Costco boxes of diapers and wipes, a bottle brush, a couple rattles, some receiving blankets, his first pair of shoes, and lots and lots of clothes. Kevin's grandma gave us a cradle that will most likely end up being what we put him in for the first couple of weeks by our bed. At first I was not to sure about it but once I saw it, it was really pretty and I asked Kevin to put it together immediately. It was a really great day and I was thankful for everything we got and everyone that came.

Miss anything: Not really.

Movement: This kid is getting strong. Kevin is having the best time watching when my stomach starts rolling around. Landon has yet to let anyone but the two of us feel him move. At this rate, the first time anyone sees him move will be when he is already out. Haha.

Food cravings: I haven't craved anything this week either.

 Anything making you queasy or sick: My cold is gone for the most part. Now it is just normal stuffy nose I have had for months so I am happy about that.

 Have you started to show yet: Yes. I am so big that at times I will literally fall sideways and stumble. People look at me like I am drunk.

Belly button in or out: It does not seem to be changing either way anymore.

Wedding rings on or off: Still off.

Happy or moody most of the time: I have been pretty happy this week. A bit overwhelmed with my maternity leave stuff at work but other than that, I am doing well.

Looking forward to: I am at two week appointments now. Pretty crazy!

Doctors Appointment- So my doctors appointment June 30th had a bit of a scary moment. When they took my blood pressure it was 180\100. So the nurse went to get the doctor because they thought I might be developing some pre-eclampsia. The doctor came in and did her regular measuring me(measuring a week ahead) and told me I was going to get my second shot of Rhogam, but before that they would measure my blood pressure again and go from there. So the nurse comes back in and checks it and it is perfectly fine so..who knows. They think it might have just been a faulty check or something. freaked me out for a bit. I did not like the feeling I had when I thought I might get put on bedrest or him be put in the NICU. But like always, Landon is doing great. Healthy heartbeat and good size.

I am getting to that point where I realize that I only have( at most) 9 or so weeks left pregnant with him. I am sooooo excited to see his smooshy little face and finally meet him but at the same time it is occuring to me that in 9 or so weeks.....he will not be with me 24\7 anymore and my pregnancy will be over. That is a bittersweet thing to feel. I want the bad parts to be over but I want to keep the good parts because they are so special to experience.

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