Sunday, October 6, 2013

3 Fears of Mine

The next question in the Getting To Know Me series is about 3 fears of mine. As soon as I read the question I knew the first one..well techically they all are kind of the same fear.

In order of fear(I'm not even kidding so don't laugh)

Yes, I am seriously TERRIFIED of fish. Or really anything that is in a fish tank. I have no idea where this fear even came from but it is horrible. I used to have nightmares as a child where our fish tank was full of dead fish and the bodies were rotting. Or that there would be a random fish that jumped out and I had to pick it up in order to save its life. People laugh at me when I tell them but I am serious. This fear is debilitating. I am unable to clean the bowl because it would involve me to possibly let the fish escape. My little brother wanted some crabs to put in them, and one of them climbed out of the tank through the filter. I swear to you that I called Kevin and begged him to come over and put it back in the tank. He did, bless his heart, but he gave me crap for it for the longest time. I hate fish. I hate seeing them(especially those freaky goldfish that are the size of my arm), I refuse to eat them, I refuse to even imagine having them near me. No thank you. So don't ever expect me to swim around with them one day. Not going to happen.
When I was little, my house was next to the freeway. We had cats so they would go to the freeway and kill mice and bring them into MY room and leave them on the floor. I would wake up and see them just laying there looking all dead and...well like the above picture. And I would grab the nearest thing to me, a blanket, a bucket, etc. And throw it on top of it so I did not see it. Then I would jump off my bed and run to get my mother who would have to come pick it up and throw it away. I literally believed if I got close to it then it would jump to live and rip my artery out or something. Again, no idea where this came from. I have since moved from the freeway house but the other day I was walking home and almost stepped near a dead mouse. I jumped off the sidewalk into the street and only stepped onto the curb once I was a safe distance away.
Look at the way that frog\toad is staring at me. *shiver*. Every since thing in there freaks me out. My mother hates snakes so that could have been ingrained in my brain. I am not sure what freaks me out about lizards and frogs\toads but something about them gives me the heebey jeebies. I imagine everyone of them biting me or crawling into my clothes and me screaming in agony. I don't know. Now that I write that, I feel like an idiot.
The crazy part is I could see myself overcoming the fear of lizards before I overcome the fear of fish. I hate fish so much.

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