Friday, May 16, 2014

24 Week Update

How far along: 24 Weeks(Landon is the size of an ear of corn  ) It was a really big deal to me to get to this week. Of course, Landon needs to stay in my belly where I can keep him safe and warm for many more weeks. But just knowing that if something happened and he was to be born early, he would have a fighting chance. That was a big relief for me. I can't imagine how those women felt who had a baby just short of 24 weeks and the doctors did not do everything possible to save the child's life. It feels so good to know that every week from now on, he has a better and better chance.
 Total weight gain: 25 pounds. 
 Maternity clothes: The same as always.
 Stretch marks: Oh yeah.
Sleep: I can't complain.
Best moment of this week: It was not exactly the "best moment"but it was something worth mentioning. A couple days ago I was at work and started having pains every couple minutes. Well I told myself everything was fine and finished work. But through shopping with my mom and going home, I couldn't stop crying because I kept feeling the pains. Even when my family gave me a mothers day present that I had always wanted(an electric mixer), I gave a luke warm response to it due to the pain. After I once again burst into tears because of the pain, I decided to go to the hospital.  
 I ended up in Labor and Delivery with contractions. It was so scary. I was already in pain and then I got an IV and the vein was bad so the nurse had to start over, then I had the shot to stop the contractions(it started with a T) and it made my heart race and me shake uncontrollably, then I got the dilation check which hurt more than I could have imagined. Poor Kevin had to practically hold onto me so I did not crawl off the bed as I was trying not to yell in pain. He was incredible though and did not leave my side unless it was to get me something to drink. When she did the check, she tried to explain to me that the first lip of my cervix was big enough for her to get her finger into but could not get it into the second lip. So she said it was good the second part was high and seemed to be closed but that the first part should not be dilated at all. So they kept me overnight to see if anything progressed.

I got to go home the next day but was told to watch my body and be aware that my body is trying to start labor if I do not slow down and relax more. It seems to be one of those, either take it easy now or be on bedrest\go into labor and have him early. So obviously, I am taking it easier. But of course little man was perfect on the screen with his movement. The only issue was that he was so small that when they tried to use the monitors to track him, he kept kicking them and sneaking away so it sounded like his heart beat suddenly stopped. The nurse had the worst time keeping up with him.

 Miss anything: Nope.
Movement:   It is the cutest thing when Landon moves when his daddy says hello to him. Kevin gets so excited and tries to keep him doing it. I felt so sad when Kevin was trying to get him to move and Landon was kicking but was just too little to make it felt. So it is really cool to watch the two of them interact with eachother more and more each day.
Food cravings: Bean dip. Mmmm i'd love some right now.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
 Have you started to show yet: Oh yes.
Gender: Boy :)
Belly button in or out: Still way in.
Wedding rings on or off: Around my neck.
Happy or moody most of the time: Emotional. I can cry at the drop of a hat still.

Looking forward to:  Feeling him move stronger and stronger every day.

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