Saturday, November 2, 2013

Five Things That Make Me Happy

The next question is, "What are five things that make you happy?". This is a big question for me because lately I am trying to find anything that I can focus on to make me happy. So here we go....

Max is a cool little doggy. He is always happy to see me no matter what. Whenever I feel sad and lonely, I go see him and he acts like I am the greatest thing since squeaky toys(and he loves his squeaky toys)


This is a YouTube family that I watch every day. I have been watching since she first became pregnant with Oliver and I have been watching every day since. They are such a cute family and I love getting to see a baby every day on my computer. He is precious.

This blog makes me happy. It truly does. I never knew that I was going to find such healing in writing on here. I am not sure who looks at this blog because I do not get comments but I see the views going up so I hope someone is out there, possibly finding their own joy or healing in my words. But no matter what, I love this blog and I enjoy putting the effort into making it a special place. My hope is one day this blog will have the happiness and love it originally was meant for. One day I will be able to see how far I have come. How much I have healed and grown.

Photography makes me happy. I have always loved capturing moments and them being able to last many years. Sometimes I snap a quick photo and it ends up being important to people in ways I never expected. Other times, taking photos is simply a way for me to focus on something other than my problems. It lets me escape into something other than my thoughts and make something literally beautiful out of it.

Cupcakes make me happy. That might sound stupid but it goes along the lines of the photography. Baking lets me go into a happy place when I am sad. I also enjoy the joy I bring others when I share my delicious treats with them. I am a people pleaser so when I see how happy my baking makes them, it helps bring me a sense of contentment and I no longer feel as lonely and sad with whatever is going on.


  1. This may seem like a bit of a silly question, but you mean to tell me that there's actually a family that willingly records their entire life for the internet to see on YouTube? Isn't that a bit Truman Show-esque?

  2. Hey pretty lady, I think someone wants to know the link to that Youtube videos that you are watching everyday. Go and share it with him. ;)

  3. Yeah they do daily videos. I could never do it. Haha. But they enjoy it and I enjoy watching. And Anonymous....I am not sure what you mean.


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