Saturday, September 14, 2013


Maybe this is what happens when you are with someone from teenagers. Maybe he wants to explore his young years and I don't. Maybe he wants to party and I don't. Maybe he wants to have experienced more girls that just me. The more I think about it, the more it hurts. Why did everything have to be ruined? Why is this happening? Why are others' opinions more important than mine. Why are others' in general, more important than I am? I was supposed to be first. I was supposed to be the person he always went to no matter what. Why is this happening?! Why am I not enough?! Why does he not see how much he is throwing me away and ruining EVERYTHING?!!?!?!?!

He is turning into someone I do not even recognize and that really hurts. Where is MY kevin? The one I fell in love with? This one is a totally different person. This one does not act like the Kevin I know. I don't know if he is trying to be a rebel or act like this because I have no choice in the matter anymore since I am not the girlfriend or fiance. I don't know what he is thinking but he is turning into someone I do not even know. And I can't say anything because my opinion no longer counts. I am not important anymore. He says I am but he doesn't show it anymore. MY kevin would never do this.....but I guess he would.

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