Friday, March 7, 2014

14 Week Update

(Again, I am so sorry about the format of these posts. I seriously hope to get internet at the house soon so I can use Blogger there. I do not know why it won't let me type into the box from work. I have to write it in Yahoo and then do some weird link copy and paste and it pushes all the questions together. It looks horrible. I try to edit the previous posts when I get to Mom and J's house.)

How far along: 14 weeks(size of a a lemon)

Total weight gain: 12 pounds

Maternity clothes: My pants and I got a long and lean tanktop that I am so excited for. I loved them before I got pregnant. Now they are super comfortable and help me layer my clothes so that I have something underneath that is fitted.

Stretch marks: None that I have seen.

Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good. No sleeping on my stomach for me though because everytime I do, my stomach hurts when I wake up. The other night Kevin and I slept over at my mother and J's house and for some reason there ended up being two extra fluffy pillows that got thrown on the bed. So I had four pillows surrounding me. Best night sleep EVER.

Best moment of this week: Kevin started working at a union job this week. We do not know how long it will last but he is so glad to be finally doing something. Poor guy is the bottom of the totem pole so he literally went to work Monday and Tuesday at 4am worked all day, came home and slept for a couple hours, and left at 1am Wednesday to go to another job site. He was exhausted. But I am so proud of him for working hard and we talked through the way bills will be paid and we were on the same page. All the readers who have been here for awhile know what a big deal this job and money thing is for us. That was our big "issue" and now we can see if things have really changed the way we hope. So far what happened a couple months back and our child on the way, has clicked something in his brain and he seems to be a more mature person than he was. I am just so proud of him for working his butt off for his family. I of course feel so sad for him that he is so tired and sore. But he is pushing through the pain to do what he has to do. That makes my heart so happy. I believe in him so much and I just hope that the job is long enough to make it worth his effort. It is one of those jobs that he can work days,weeks, or months making good money and then not have a job for a few months. So this is just one of those things we have to take one day at a time and work together.

Miss anything: I would love a cold bologna sandwich. Yeah that is still a craving. Kevin promises that after I give birth he will get me a bologna sandwich with chips and I will be in heaven. I know that I technically could eat one and I would probably be fine, but then I would want another and another. So it is easier to just stay away.

Movement: I keep feeling the popping feeling. Everything and everyone makes me feel like I am just imagining it or it is "gas". But I keep feeling it, it is usually in the same spot on my lower stomach, and happens especially after I drink soda or eat something with sugar. So if it is gas, then I am crazy and so be it. But since I am the only one that can feel it, I still can have the hope that maybe it is something. In the end I will know if it truly was gas or if it kept getting stronger and ended up being what I feel it is.

Food cravings: See the miss anything part.

Anything making you queasy or sick: When I don't eat, which is something I have dealt with all my life. I am the worst at eating(especially breakfast). I feel so guilty now because I don't want my child hurt because I am too lazy to eat a bowl of cereal. But don't you worry, this baby puts me in my place when it is hungry. I went too long at my desk with no food, and almost passed out because I got so sick. So I may have broke some rules about not eating at my desk but I was not going to let myself pass out. Mommy did what she had to do.

Have you started to show yet: Who knows, some days I feel bigger than others.

Gender: Haha still girl.

Wedding rings on or off: Still around my neck.  Kevin's is not on the chain too because at his job, wearing a ring can cause him to lose a finger.
Happy or moody most of the time: Emotionally I have been doing better. Maybe because he has been all mine, except for when he is working. My emotions just make Kevin think 100 percent it is a girl. He asked, "Do you want to hit me? At all?" and I looked at him shocked and said, "Of course not." and he walked away saying, "That is because it is a girl." He had a point.

Looking forward to:  My appointment on Monday the 10th. I always get so nervous when I have not heard the heartbeat in weeks.

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