Friday, April 18, 2014

20 Week Update

How far along: 20 Weeks(size of a banana)
 Total weight gain: 23 pounds.
 Maternity clothes: The same as last week.
 Stretch marks: Oh yeah. N saw my stomach the other day and was horrified that something had scratched me so badly. Like a cougar. Haha.
Sleep: I have come to terms that I will wake up all throughout the night to pee so I just sleep while I am peeing. Haha. I woke up the other day with hip pain and it was only relieved by putting my leg up onto Kevin. 
Best moment of this week: We had our anatomy scan on the 14th and it was so cool. It was verified that he is indeed a boy. I watched the numbers as she scanned each body part and each one was over 20 weeks and she did not seem worried about any particular thing so I am taking that as a good sign. He is head down with his face(at the time) facing my left side. It was really cool to get to see his little legs and arms. I even got a picture of his skeleton face with these big eyes. I was glad to know he was doing well. He definitely was getting tired of being poked at the end because he suddenly started flailing around so she could no longer keep up with him. I was tired of her pushing my full bladder also so I understood.
 Miss anything: Nope.
Movement: He gave me a punch last night that was so hard I actually exclaimed, "Oh!" and Kevin looked at me like I was crazy. I am loving feeling him move. He is trying so hard to let daddy feel him but it never works out. When he moves a lot, Kevin is not around due to me being at work or something. Then when I am at home and he moves, Kevin can not feel it or can not get his hand there in time. I am really hoping it will work out soon. I know the anticipation is driving Kevin crazy.
Food cravings: Kit Kats.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: No my sickness is pretty much gone. I get the occasional nausea at night but overall I can not complain about this.
 Have you started to show yet: Oh yes.
Gender: Boy :)
Belly button in or out: Still way in.
Wedding rings on or off: Around my neck.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. I am doing well.
Looking forward to: Kevin finally getting to feel L move.

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