Friday, April 11, 2014

19 Week Update

How far along: 19 weeks(size of a mango)
Total weight gain: So I talked to my doctor and she did not seem all that worried. She even went as far to tell me maybe the person weighing me last time wrote down the wrong number and it should have said 198 instead of 188. I know I saw the right number but whatever. If she is not worried than I will not be worried. She is going to schedule my glucose test at the next appointment and she said if that is fine then there is no problem. So total weight gain is 23 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Yes...haha.
Stretch marks: *sigh* yeah they are there right on either side of my belly button.
Sleep: I have been having a harder time getting comfortable. If I try and lay on my back, the pressure in my uterus makes it super uncomfortable, but if I lay on my side, my arms that is on the bed goes numb and I wake up in extreme pain. Still getting up around 2\3am to pee.
Best moment of this week: Taking gender reveal pictures with my mom and Kevin.
Aches\Pains: Yes. Oh my gosh, I have had a horrible time getting comfortable at work also. I sit in those nice orthopedic chairs and my back still starts hurting. So then I move into a different position and feel like I am smushing baby.  I know I am not but it is not any more comfortable than if I was.
Miss anything: Nope.
Movement: He has some days where he is all over the place and others where I feel him move maybe once.
Food cravings: Eh...not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
Gender: Baby boy
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off:  Necklace.
Happy or moody most of the time: My emotions are doing pretty well. I have my cranky moments but I know it could be worse.
Looking forward to: My anatomy ultrasound on April 14th. I want to know that he is healthy.

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