Thursday, December 5, 2013

Your Going to Hear Me Roar!!!

The next question on the "Getting To Know Me Series" is....If you were an animal, what would you be and why? Well that is easy.


I would be a lioness. I know that immediately. Why, you ask?(or even if you didn't). My sign is Leo and I have always felt that it fit my personality well. I am calm and watchful until you push me past my breaking point. Then in a flash I can snap at you for a couple seconds. Then I am calm again. I am fiercely protective of anyone I feel a maternal instinct for such as my little brothers, helpless animals, babies, etc. I like to watch from a distance and assess the scene while others go into battle. Which leads me to.... Kevin is also a Leo and he would be my Lion. While I sit back and watch, he goes and fights the battle. Then when he comes back I lick his wounds. I imagine when we have a family, we will both look over our children as Lion's and Lioness's do. Plus when we argue we fight for a good couple minutes and then we are done and the fight is over. We even have a Lion tattoo on my collarbone and his arm. So I believe that if I were an animal, it would most definitely be a Lioness. Because they are to die for. (Get it? Get it? Nevermind.)

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