Monday, December 9, 2013

Childhood Memories

The next question in the "Getting To Know Me Series" is, "What are three memories from your childhood?". I thought hard about what were my favorite that I would want documented. These are the three.

Memory One-

    Every Christmas season, Mom would buy a chocolate orange and some cinnamon rolls from the grocery store. We would crawl into her big bed(well it seemed big compared to my twin bed) and she would turn on Rudolph and we would lay in bed eating our yummy snacks and watching a classic. I was such a little thing that she did not realize would be such a big memory for me but it is. I love remembering the feeling I had as we laid there watching Rudolph and other Christmas movies. That is a tradition I would love to continue with my children.

Memory Two

My second memory is being at my Mimi and Papa's house. That is not really a single memory but more of a group of them. I used to have so much fun at their house. I had quite an imagination so I was always somewhere in their house acting out something in my head. I had a big wheel at one point and I was allowed to ride it up to their church down the street and back. I had a blast riding up and down that street. I swore that I had the best big wheel  in all of California. It was the greatest  time running around their house playing. My Mimi would always make sure there was Capri Suns in the house so that became my favorite drink because it made me think of her.

Memory Three

My third memory is another Christmas tradition. At my church as a kid, they had a "Advent Fair" where kids walked around to various tables to make stuff such as wreaths and gingerbread houses. There was always about 20 tables that had different things to do and you got to put all the stuff you made in a box to take home. And they had a bunch of Christmas snacks and hot chocolate. I loved it as a kid because I got to do all kinds of different crafts and eat a bunch of yummy things while holiday music  played. I love to remember how it felt to run around and have a blast doing all sorts of stuff. It was an amazing feeling that always warms my heart to remember.

I have some really great memories that are not listed but these would be my top three.

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