Friday, August 22, 2014

38 Week Update

How far along:  38  Weeks

Total weight gain: 33 pounds. (I lost a pound since last week)

 Maternity clothes:  Just using what I got. No use buying new stuff.

Stretch marks: I don't seem to have any new ones. Just the gigantic ones that were there from the beginning.

Sleep:  The sleep is fine. The horrendous pain in my right hip EVERY NIGHT is not.

Best moment of this week: I always enjoy when Kevin can go to the doctors with me. We end up being gone all day but it is really fun to hangout with him instead of being on the bus by myself for hours with nobody to talk to.

Miss anything: Just being able to move around.

Movement:  His movement has been great as usual. He has no room so the moving feels different than before but it is still at his usual times. He really hates if anything is touching my stomach. Including my own arm.  I wonder if this means he will not like to cuddle or be touched. I sure hope not. That would be sad.

Food cravings: I still really want a tuna and egg sandwich.

 Anything making you queasy or sick:   Nothing in particular.

 Have you started to show yet: Yes.

Belly button in or out:  It depends on where he is positioned, but as far as I know it never actually pops out any.

Wedding rings on or off: Still off.

Happy or moody most of the time: I am excited! So very excited!

Looking forward to: This week is my last week of work before maternity leave. I did not believe I would make it this far so I feel relieved yet really anxious. Now every day that goes by that he is not here, is a week of maternity leave I do not get with him.

Doctors Appointment- At my doctors appointment they asked about my contractions and I told them I had a couple but that my biggest problem was pressure. I can barely walk due to it. So the nurse said even though the doctor that day usually does not check until 39 weeks, she would take a look just to see what was going on down there. I ended up being 1 1\2 dilated and 100% effaced. She "thought" that I would not make it to my next appointment, let alone past this weekend but...we will see. I know just because she thinks something does not automatically mean it will happen. But I reeeallllyyy hope she is right. My next appointment is Thursday the 28th but they all said they hope I am not at it. Her checking me caused me a lot of contractions and some bleeding so I got excited but they eventually stopped and now I am just waiting again.

Labor signs- See above.

It just occured to me that since I will no longer be at work, I will no longer have access to a computer to do these updates. Hmmm. I might be able to do some sort of update on my phone but I make no promises since I have never tried to know what my phone is capable of. No matter what, as soon as I am able to update I will. I promise.

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