Friday, August 15, 2014

37 Week Update

How far along:  37  Weeks

Total weight gain: 34 pounds. ( No weight gain from last week)

 Maternity clothes:  For my birthday I got some more long and lean tank tops. I love those things.

Stretch marks: I don't seem to have any new ones. Just the gigantic ones that were there from the beginning.

Sleep:  The sleep isn't really a problem, it is when I am awake trying to get comfortable. That is when it sucks. Turning over is painful and I get severe hip pain. But as far as the sleeping part, it is fine.

Best moment of this week: My mom,Kevin, and I went out to Nacho Daddy for my birthday. It had been a restaurant that Kevin had been wanting to go to for a long time and since last year I chose Islands and then he got nothing to celebrate his birthday, I decided to go there this year. We ended up deciding we wanted to still go out for his birthday. His birthday was technically yesterday(the 14th) but he did not get paid until today. So after we both get off work, we are going to go to Red Robin and get dinner and a drink(for him, I will stick to my usual). I am really excited for what could be our last restaurant meal before Landon shows up. Heck, he could try to show up for dinner. But at this point....I doubt it. He is waaaayyy too comfortable.

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach.

Movement:  He's crazy in there sometimes.

Food cravings: I suddenly really want a tuna and egg sandwich.

 Anything making you queasy or sick:   Nothing in particular.
 Have you started to show yet: Yes.

Belly button in or out:  It is not flat but it is right on the edge of it.

Wedding rings on or off: Still off.

Happy or moody most of the time: I am excited.

Looking forward to: I just am so excited for Landon to finally decide to arrive. Whenever he is ready, we are ready.

Doctors Appointment-  My doctors appointment was the same as usual. This doctor literally was in and out in less than 5 minutes so it went very quickly(after a 2 hour bus ride to get there). All the usual stuff was great, as usual. So....nothing really to report.

Labor signs-  I get the occasional cramps but other than that, there does not seem to be any signs that labor is on its way. I think he may have dropped because of how bad the pressure is sometimes, but I can't be sure that it isn't just me hoping.

I am sorry these updates are so boring. There just is not really anything going on. Everything is done, now we all are just waiting.

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