Friday, February 28, 2014

13 Week Update

How far along: 13 weeks(size of a peach)

Total weight gain: 12 pounds

Maternity clothes:My pants

Stretch marks:None so far

Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good. I had one night where I think I laid on my stomach too long because I woke up with it feeling sore. But I have not had it since so I am not worried.

Best moment of this week: I did not really have a best moment. I did not necessarily have a bad week, just nothing that stood out.

Miss anything: Not really.

Food cravings: I ate my dorito hot chips...with french onion dip. It was AMAZING!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I keep taking my prenatal before I am ready to fall asleep and each time it makes me feel like I am going to vomit everyone. Also if I get upset, apparently baby cub throws a tantrum also and makes me so sick that I have to calm down just to get my body to calm down. This kid..haha.

Have you started to show yet: I feel like it.

Gender: Bets still on girl. I can not wait to finally know.

Wedding rings on or off: Still on my necklace.

Happy or moody most of the time: *sigh* Poor Kevin. I don't know why my hormones are making me so clingy but they are. I literally freaked out the other night because I wanted to go to bed and he wanted to stay up. He wasn't asking me to stay up with him, he just did not want to go to sleep. I threw a tantrum(I can admit it). I truly felt like I was not important anymore. It was the craziest thing. It felt like my entire world was crumbling around me. Luckily Kevin did not treat me like I was crazy. He just held me and told me I was the mother of his child and was the most important person to him. Last night he went to bed with me so I would not be sad. I feel so crazy.

Looking forward to:  My next appointment.

Friday, February 21, 2014

12 Week Update

How far along: 12 weeks(size of a plum)

Total weight gain: 12 pounds so far.

Maternity clothes:Still just my pants.

Stretch marks: Nope.

Sleep: Sleep has not been any better or any worse.

Best moment of this week: I know it is too early to feel the baby move but I SWEAR to you that last night it felt like there was bubbles popping to the left of my uterus. I know it makes me sounds crazy but I know what I felt. So I am telling myself even if it was not the baby, it had to be something growing or moving.

Miss anything: Being able to get through the day without crying. My gosh, everything makes me burst into tears. Kevin is trying to be supportive but I know it is wearing on his nerves a little bit
Food cravings: I had some tacos the other night and ate 4! That is the most I have eaten in any meal ever. They were delicious.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Have you started to show yet: I am not sure. I got a lot going on in my belly but I am not sure what it is.

Gender: Still all bets on girl.

Wedding rings on or off:  Off.

Happy or moody most of the time: Emotional. All the time.

Looking forward to:  Our next appointment.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Old Wives Tales

I thought it would be fun to do some Old Wives Tales. I am not sure how true any of these are but what the heck.

Old Wives Tale #1: History of Parent's Kids

You can find out the sex by going off of your parent's kids and the order. If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child. If you are the middle child, you will have what she said, but starting with the third child. If you are the last child, you will have what your mother had in the exact order.

My mother had Me,One boy,a second boy, and a third boy. So I guess it would make that a point for boy.

Old Wives Tale #2: Time of Conception

The person that is most aggressive in bed at the time of conception is the opposite of what the baby will be.

I am not sure how you would know this if you did not know the exact time of conception. This is pure guess since it is 50\50 usually but I guess I would say that is another point for boy.

Old Wives Tale #3: Legs

If your legs get really big, you're having a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, it's a girl.

My legs seem to be the same so that is a point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #4: Bread

If you eat the ends of bread, it's a boy. If you eat the middle of the load, it's a girl.

Another point for girl.

Old Wives Tale #5: Chinese Gender Chart

The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived

Another point for boy.

Old Wives Tale #6: Mom�s Beauty

Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy. It is said that the girl steals the mother's beauty. If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, you might just be having a little boy.

Definitely a point for a girl. Yikes my face.

Old Wives Tale #7: Dream of Sex of Baby

If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl. If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy. Dreams show the opposite of what you are having.

I always dream of a boy so there is a point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #8: Clumsy vs. Graceful

If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she's having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she's having a boy.

Point for a boy. I can't hold anything without dropping it.

Old Wives Tale #9: Side You Most Rest On

If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she's having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she'
s having a girl.

I prefer my right side more I think so a point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #10: Breast Test

If a pregnant woman�s left breast is larger than the right breast, she's having a girl. If the right breast is larger, it's a boy.

Hold on, let me look. Point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #11: Morning Sickness

If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it's a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl.

Point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #12: Areolae

If your areolae (the part around your nips) have darkened, it's a boy.

I don't see a difference so point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #13: Feet

Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant? If so, you just might be having a boy. If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you're having a little girl.

My feet have always been cold so point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #14: Hands are Dry

If your hands are constantly dry, it's a boy.

Uh...I would not say so, so point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #15: Nose

Do you feel like your nose is growing and getting wider? If so, you might be having a boy.

No....point for a girl.

Old Wives Tale #16: Headaches

If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.

Final point for girl.

So that is


Haha dang...the girl vibes keep increasing.

Friday, February 14, 2014

11 Week Update

How far along: 11 weeks(about the size of a fig)

Total weight gain: So remember when I was complaining about being 184? I wish I could go back in time and say "Shut up Brittany". I went to my appointment on the 10th and you know how much I weigh now? 196. How does that even happen? I have to force myself to eat but then somehow I have gained 12 pounds? Weird.

Maternity clothes: My pants.

Stretch marks: Nope but my stomach has been really itchy and I know scratching can cause them so I have been making an effort not to scratch.

Sleep: Mom's boyfriend J is moving this weekend so Kevin and I have been staying at his house. So sleep has been pretty sucky since we are on a couch. But at his new house we will have the bed that used to be in the room mom slept in at our house(that room will be the nursery)so then I will be able to sleep better at their house.

Best moment of this week: So Kevin and I went to the doctors and it was time for the doppler to hear the heart beat. I was laying there and the assistant goes to find it and he is searching all over the place. I hear a heartbeat and he says he thinks it is mine and moves it. So about five minutes goes by and he is having trouble still. Then the doctor comes over and tries and she is having trouble. I am trying so hard not to panic but..I mean..come on. Who wouldn't panic? So she says she is going to do a heart beat and see what they find. I prayed the whole way there. So I lay down and look at the screen as she puts the probe on me and...there it is. Right away my baby cub pops up with a heart beat. Apparently the probe would lock on the heart and then baby would move away and the probe would lose the heart beat. Doctor said that the baby looked great(it even had a little alien face) and I should not be worried. Now the heart beat was around 130. I was so happy to know everything was alright. Another cool thing was my mom bought her grandbaby the Lion King bedspread that Kevin and I loved at Baby's R Us. So we have that now. Yay!

Miss anything: Um...nope.

Movement: No but I feel the gas bubbles that people always try to say is the baby. It is not unless my baby is huge.

Food cravings: Um...nothing that I can think of right now.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Actually no. I have been doing good in that department.

Have you started to show yet: Who knows. My family say my stomach is bigger but that could be the 12 pounds. Haha.

Gender: Still girl bets.

Wedding rings on or off: The ring from last week turned my finger green so I took it off. There goes that idea.

Happy or moody most of the time: Oh my god, I can cry over anything. You can literally ask me how much money I have in my wallet and I will burst into tears about how you don't trust what I say. Crazy me. Haha. Then Kevin thinks it is hilarious which pisses me off in the moment.

Looking forward to:  I have been really looking forward to feeling baby cub move for the first time.

Friday, February 7, 2014

10 Week Update

 How far along: 10 weeks(Size of a prune)

Total weight gain: I will know on the 10th.

Maternity clothes:Still my pants.

Stretch marks: No new ones.

Sleep: I am having the worst time juggling sleep and peeing. I am so tired that I do not want to get up when I have to pee, but holding it all night makes my bladder hurt in the morning. Plus I know it is not good for me to hold it. 

Best moment of this week: We decided on a name for both genders. We had known the first names since we first began dating, but we finally decided on the middle name.

Miss anything: Foods I can't eat anymore. Nothing makes me want it more than being told I can't have it.

Movement: Nope but I am excited for when I do feel it. I have been having some growing pains in my uterus, but that is fine because it means everything is working the way it is supposed to.

Food cravings: Bologna sandwich. Mmmmm. And sour skittles.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, I have been really good this week on morning sickness. It has been great.

Have you started to show yet: My mother and Kevin swear to me my stomach has popped. They know the baby is not big enough to be showing but I walked in the door and my mother told me she could see my stomach through my big jacket. Then when I unzipped it she went, "Wow!" So..not sure what is being implied by them.

Gender: Everybody says "She".

Labor signs:Nope.

Belly button in or out: Way in.

Wedding rings on or off: Remember my red diamond candle ring? Yeah. Remember how it was just a little too big on me? Yeah, well now it has worked out for me. I am wearing my real ring on my necklace and the red ring on my hand. So I am wearing a ring but still have my true ring near me.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy with moments of biting Kevin's head off.
Looking forward to:  Hearing my baby's heart beat on Monday.
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