Saturday, May 25, 2013

Welcome To Our Journey

200 days to go.
200 days until my life goes down a new path.
200 days until we go on a lifelong journey together.
200 days until I meet him at the end of the aisle.

I origionally kept talking myself out of writing this blog. I kept telling myself that I already have a vlog on Youtube so what would I find to say on here. I kept telling myself I would never find a way to look back on this many years from now so what would be the point. I kept making excuses but the thought kept creeping back into my head. I am a writer. I have always expressed my feelings through my writing. As a little girl I processed my feelings by writing stories. So why was I trying to block that part out of my planning? Yes the Vlog is a great thing and I still plan to do it. But sometimes I have thoughts in my head and I can't always express them with my spoken words. But I am able to express them and work them out on "paper".  So many people forget how important writing is,and it is a part of who I am. So I am going to try this. No pressure to achieve something,no care if nobody reads it or not,just speaking and if someone is listening then that is great and I welcome you. If not,then Brittany is talking to herself.

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