Saturday, May 25, 2013

Let Us Have a Chance

Ever since I have announced I am engaged,I have seen the questions constantly.
Not that I should defend myself but I will....

"Your only 19! That is too young to be getting married."
    Yes I am 19 at the moment,and on my wedding day I will be 20,and the next year I will be 21. And the point is? Look around,there are people who have 3 year olds and are onto their second husbands by now. Look at them and judge me. Go ahead. My age has nothing to do with it. There are 30 year olds who still do not know what they want so what does someone's age matter?

"Shouldn't you be together a little longer before you make such a commitment."
    On our wedding day we will have been together for five years. We know eachother,trust me,and we love eachother because we know eachother's flaws and strengths. I know his weird quirks and he knows mine. We can live with them so I believe we are going to be just fine.We will continue to learn more about eachother as we get older. But why would we not get married just because people grow up as they get older?

"Divorce rates are so high. Why even risk it?"
So because other people got divorced,nobody should get married? I have no control over what other people do but I am not going to run my life in fear of what might happen. Life is too short. I am not stupid, I realize that everyone says "We will be together forever!!" and then some of them do not fulfill that wish. But(and I hope this comes across like I am trying to say it) If Kevin and I were to break up today, I would NEVER regret dating him. The memories we have made are irreplacable and I would do it all over again. Our "breakup" would not make our memories any less special. Because at the time we made them,we were in love. So I am going into our marriage with the same perspective. Yes,there is a chance that if we let our marriage fall off our radar that we can fall apart and end up divorced. And I would rather enjoy whatever memories I get of him,rather then never even try just because I am scared of what might happen.But who is to say that we do not deserve a chance at working every day at a great marriage and putting every effort into being happily married when we are old.
 I can not say that 20 years from now I will still be in love with him and he will still be in love with me. Can I tell you I believe that is extremely likely,yes of course, but nobody can tell what the future holds. But I can tell you with my ENTIRE heart that for the past 4 years,5 months,and 2 weeks that we have been together, that I have loved him and only him and continue today to love him and only him. He is the man who I have spent every day thinking about. He is the man I spend every night falling asleep in his arms. He is the man I imagine staring misty eyed and awestruck into the sleeping face of our newborn child. He is the man I imagine holding the hand of as one of us leaves this earth. He is the man I imagine seeing again when I find my way up to Heaven.
So yes, I realize that our marriage is not guarenteed. But I can promise you,and I am 100 percent sure that Kevin will agree with me,that we will spend every day of the rest of our life working at making our marriage successful. Just like up until our wedding day,we have spent every day making sure our dating life is successful. And we have succeeded at that so what is to say that we can not enjoy every day we get together as husband and wife. So give people a chance. Nobody is perfect but atleast some people are trying. Whether they are 18 or 50,atleast they are trying. It is a scary world out there and nobody wants to be alone in it.So please,just support eachother,in whatever they want to take a risk in. Because when they succeed,(excuse my french)you are the dumbass who did not believe in their relationship.

Rant over :)

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