Monday, May 27, 2013

Crazy Marriage Laws

I recently was on the Huffington Post website and found an article on crazy marriage laws. Some of them made me laugh so I thought I would share with you.

UTAH: First cousins can marry if both are at least 65 years old
There are some people out there who were SO HAPPY when they found out it was possible. Congratulations to them!!!

MISSISSIPPI: A marriage license will not be issued if the applicants appear to be drunk, insane or imbeciles
One of those laws that more states should adopt. Haha. Especially Nevada.There are a lot of drunk people trying to get married in Vegas.

NEW ORLEANS: Mystics, fortune tellers and palm readers may not perform marriage ceremonies
Aww man. :( But seriously,could you imagine? Have a fortune teller be performing a marriage ceremony and suddenly look at the bride and groom and go "This isn't going to work me." The look on their face...priceless.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Males over 16 years old may not seduce a woman by promising to marry her
That'll stop them.

MONTANA: The bride and groom do not have to be present during the wedding
Let me go to a wedding where the bride and groom aren't even there. What the heck goes on at these then? I can talk to the guests without having to dress up fancy.

DELAWARE: Annulment permitted if one or both parties entered into the marriage as a jest or dare
This is straight out of a movie. Haha. I do not even know what to say to this one. Hahaha. "Honey,I only married you because Joseph dared me to." All I can say to the other person is...should have hired the fortune teller. New Orleans doesn't need them.

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