Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Long Awaited Day

I know! I know! I have completely slacked at coming here to write. I officially get the "sucky blogger" award. I truly don't know what happened. One day I was going to write a post and got busy. And then BOOM, it occurs to me that the last update I wrote for Landon was his two month update. Yikes! I have really let some time past. But do not fret dear readers, I am going to catch you all up in due time. So...

I am officially Mrs. Ellis. I know, right? About freaking time! We got married on December 20th, 2014.  It was a day that both was amazing and still irks me to think about. It was amazing because, of course I was marrying my best friend and no matter what that is what matters most in the end. But it irks me because of the 50 or so people that were invites, I can count the people that showed up on about 1 and a half hands. I was very upset at the amount of people who told me they were coming and then either cancelled the day off or just simply left me watching the door for them. The people who did show up were amazing and tried to make me feel better so I am thankful for them. It just really upset me because I had made this big deal about 50 people coming so my mom and everyone bought all this amazing food and made an amazing cake and I had made all these decorations and guest book and christmas themed EVERYTHING and then we are all sitting there waiting.
 The same thing happened at my baby shower and so this time, it really pissed me off that this was happening again. At one point, Kevin tried to start our first dance and I completely shunned him in front of everyone and hurt his feelings. I still feel extremely guilty for that. I just was really upset and did not realize what he was doing. 

But this post isn't supposed to be a sad one. Even though many people decided we were not worth showing up. A select few of the invited decided we were and they were the ones who made up for the rest. A couple things were not doable because of the amount of people, but for the most part we worked with what we had. L and N got to keep most of our party favors and they were not complaining at all. Our cake looked AWESOME and we got to keep the cute toppers which are now in our house. I had a beautiful dress, even though it was two sizes too big and kept falling off of me. After our reception, my mom and her new boyfriend D(now her fiance!) bought us a room at a local hotel. So we went there and had a fun night of drinks, a buffet, and just all around fun roaming the casino. It was a really great night.

Do I wish that more people had shown up to the wedding? Yes. But what matters most is that I married the man I love. I realize that the wedding was only one day. Whether it was great or whether it was not so great, it is over and for the future all that matters is how great my marriage is. We can always renew our vows but our focus is more towards a solid marriage and keeping our family strong and loving. Even through the tears that day, there were happy tears as I saw him standing in front of me reciting his vows. He is the love of my life and now my husband. And at the end of the day, that is what matters most. Not the amount of people who were there to see it.

I tried to add some pictures to this post , but for some reason everything I try to do to add pictures does not work at all so if this post does not have pictures, I apologize.

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